With the world running on credit more and more, it’s essential for every individual to check their free annual credit report. Technically, you should be checking your credit score every few months to keep it on track, but if you can’t, make sure you get a credit report at least once a year.
Benefits of Getting a Free Annual Credit Report
Knowledge is power, after all! By knowing your credit score, you can work on keeping it sound or try harder to improve your score. Credit scores are necessary for almost everything, including loan applications, renting apartments, and buying vehicles.
You may also want to check your score in case there’s any inaccurate information that you need to remove. You can catch instances of identity fraud early by keeping up with your credit reports.
Where Do I Get a Free Credit Report?
You have a legal right to view the information in your credit file. The three major credit bureaus – Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian – must provide you with a free copy of your credit file when you request it. Federal law mandates that you can make this request once per calendar year.
The best way to obtain your free yearly credit report is to visit annualcreditreport.com. This website conveniently allows you to contact all three credit bureaus to request your report. You can view the report online or choose to have a hard sent to you by mail.
Credit Report Websites Ask for Your Information
It will be necessary for you to provide some personal information when you request your free credit report, so make sure you’re using a reputable website to check your score. You will need to verify your identity by providing things like your name, address, and social security number.
You should know that requesting a free annual credit report does not hurt your credit score. There are no penalties imposed upon you for making the request.
Once you’ve reviewed your credit report, you use that information to take the appropriate action. If there aren’t any discrepancies on your report and all of your accounts are in good standing, you’re provided with much-needed peace of mind. However, if your credit report highlights defaulted accounts that are in collections or even accounts you were otherwise unaware of, you should contact an Illinois credit card debt lawsuit attorney.
Once you default on an account, the creditor can pursue legal action by filing a lawsuit against you. Attorney Heather Benveniste can serve as your legal representation and help mitigate the issue through implementing proven effective negotiating strategies. Contact us today at 1-800-497-5358 for a free case evaluation.