Credit Card Debt in Glenview
There are few more fearful experiences than receiving a phone call about your credit card debt. You may have thought that the credit card company decided to halt pursuit of your debt and that you were simply left to live with a low credit score. In all actuality, the original creditor may have sold your debt to a third-party collection agency or acquired a debt collection agency to pursue your debts on their behalf. This may be behind the constant contact attempts.
Missing and making late payments was not your plan when you opened your credit card. There may have been more pressing issues that needed immediate attention, and you had to make tough decisions at the time. Now that your debt is in collections, you have no other option but to address your debt issues. A Glenview credit card debt settlement attorney can help you resolve debt without filing for bankruptcy.
Debt Settlement Options
Many people will do their best to avoid seeking legal help as they are not yet ready to admit that their debt requires legal assistance. Instead of speaking with a local debt settlement attorney, they attempt to redirect their attention to paying down their debt. Depending on the status of the account, it may be too late to resume payments, and unless the debtor makes lump sum payments, he or she can expect to continue making those payments for a long while.
Those who are aware that they are in no position to pay down their balance search for debt relief alternatives with debt consolidation topping the list. This option is attractive to debtors as it allows them to combine multiple consumer debts into one large monthly payment. Although it can make debt manageable, it often comes with even higher interest rates and a negotiation period that can last over a year.
How a Glenview Credit Card Debt Settlement Attorney Can Help
Rather than allowing your debt to accrue as you seek debt reduction options, acquire the legal services of a Glenview credit card debt settlement attorney. If you continue to miss payments and ignore collection calls, the collection agency may take legal action which can result in wage garnishment, frozen bank accounts, and other life-altering judgments.
Heather Benveniste of Benveniste Law Offices can assess your debt issues and outline the most appropriate course of action. She spent seven years as a debt collection attorney and now uses her knowledge of how the other side operates to benefit her clients. Your outstanding credit card debt can be standing in the way of buying a home or car. Contact us today at 1-800-497-5358 for a free consultation. You don’t pay a penny until we resolve your debt.